I was inspired by a poor (generational poverty) group of kids in Montagu (Klein Karroo), Web3 Art, artist Willie Bester and your bonding curve to create a framework (model) for a new digital art ecosystem. The goal of this ecosystem is not profit but to create a breeding ground for Web3 artists. The challenge is to "make the money work" and this is where your bonding curve comes in as the primary component of the financial scaffolding for the model. Another possible component is leveraging (through arbitrage) each South African's travel allowance(s) (the Currency Hub biz model).

This is essentially a new model of "love-work" built on a foundation of the three human rights (being, belonging and becoming), that leverages raw potential (artistic creativity / talent), defi and Web3 technology, to satisfy the needs of our emerging future as human beings.

Here is the link to the ArtStoke website https://artstoke.co.za/artstoke-commons/1192/

or a direct link to the model (PDF) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WPgMThzQ9r13jonnLgXbLiJMbLAX1cbo/view?usp=sharing

Would love your thoughts and some pointers?

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Looks directionally interesting and uses all the right foundations (Commons Stack, Augmented Bonding Curve, etc). Unfortunately unable to give more pointers atm, so all I can say is good luck. Worth a try. :)

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